Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Increase consumption of fluids like tea and fruit juices.

symptoms for pneumonia

Causes of infection will be determined before starting treatment. Most of the nasal sinuses associated with bacteria. Thus, the prescription of antibiotics to treat sinus infections are quite common. Symptoms of infection Sinus infections can last for a month or even turn chronic if immediate treatment is not provided. Chronic infection can last up to eight weeks and may be repeated four times a year. Inhalation Causes of cocaine and other drugs also cause sinus infections. Diagnosis Diagnosis of the disease under review and history of the patient. It is important to distinguish the disease from colds and upper respiratory tract infection. In general, no inspections are required. If strattera dosage necessary, CT is recommended. Ultrasound can also be used to diagnose this disease. This procedure is less expensive and reliable. Nasopharyngoscope used to visualize the nasal passages and sinuses of the connective. Antibiotics People who suffer from this infection should consult a doctor. If infection by fungus, allergies or other reasons, then antibiotics will be useless. A. Amoxicillin It kills bacteria by interfering in the building functions of the cell wall. 2. Macrolides This antibiotic that blocks the formation of protein in bacteria and prevent their reproduction. 3. Cephalosporins They also appear in the same manner as amoxicillin. They are the best, if a patient allergic to amoxicillin. 4. Fluoroquenolones-New range of antibiotics that inhibit bacterial DNA replication process. The doctor must make the correct choice of antibiotics according to the severity of infection, reaction and the rate at which the drug is absorbed. This patient is experiencing any allergic reactions to medicines, it should be brought to the attention of a doctor. Measures patient should take certain precautions to prevent the escalation of infection. g to increase fluid intake as tea and fruit juices. Inhaling steam can help detect both sputum and provides relief of symptoms. Menthol products are added in the evaporator will open nasal passages. The majority of sinus infections caused by bacteria. Appointment of antibiotics to treat sinus infection is often very useful to get rid of the infection. .

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